Lovette Lab/Fuller Program publications on topics related to behavioral ecology

Aarif, K. M., S. A. Kaiser, A. Nefla, and S. Almaroofi (in press). Over-summering abundance, species composition, and habitat-use patterns at a globally important site for migratory shorebirds. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.

Cramer, E. R. A., E. I. Greig, and S. A. Kaiser (2020). Strong sexual selection despite spatial constraints on extrapair paternity. Behavioral Ecology:araa001.

Cramer, E. R. A., S. A. Kaiser, M. S. Webster, and T. B. Ryder (in press). Common field data limitations can substantially bias sexual selection metrics. The American Naturalist.

Lois, N. A., L. Campagna, U. Balza, M. J. Polito, K. Pütz, J. A. Vianna, A. Morgenthaler, E. Frere, R. Sáenz‐Samaniego, A. Raya Rey, and B. Mahler (2020). Metapopulation dynamics and foraging plasticity in a highly vagile seabird, the southern rockhopper penguin. Ecology and Evolution 10:3346–3355.

McNew, S. M., S. A. Knutie, and D. H. Clayton (2020b). No evidence of sex ratio manipulation by Galápagos mockingbirds in response to environment. Journal of Avian Biology 51:jav.02302.

Baldassarre, D. T., L. Campagna, H. A. Thomassen, J. W. Atwell, M. Chu, L. H. Crampton, R. C. Fleischer, and C. Riehl (2019). GPS tracking and population genomics suggest itinerant breeding across drastically different habitats in the Phainopepla. The Auk 136:ukz058.

Barreira, A. S., and N. C. García (2019). Visual and Acoustic Communication in Neotropical Birds: Diversity and Evolution of Signals. In Behavioral Ecology of Neotropical Birds (J. C. Reboreda, V. D. Fiorini and D. T. Tuero, Editors). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 155–183.

García, N. C. (2019). What have we recently learned about song learning and social interactions? Behavioral Ecology:arz098.

Kaiser, S. A., T. E. Martin, J. C. Oteyza, J. E. Danner, C. E. Armstad, and R. C. Fleischer (2019). Within-group relatedness and patterns of reproductive sharing and cooperation in the tropical chestnut-crested yuhina. Animal Behaviour 158:89–99.

Campagna, L. (2018). Among Ruffs, Some “Fight-Loving Fighters” Don’t Like to Fight. Living Bird.

Thrasher, D. J., B. G. Butcher, L. Campagna, M. S. Webster, and I. J. Lovette (2018). Double-digest RAD sequencing outperforms microsatellite loci at assigning paternity and estimating relatedness: A proof of concept in a highly promiscuous bird. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Walsh, J., L. M. Maxwell, and A. I. Kovach (2018). The role of divergent mating strategies, reproductive success, and compatibility in maintaining the Saltmarsh–Nelson’s sparrow hybrid zone. The Auk 135:693–705.

Batcheller, H. J. (2017). Interspecific information use by army-ant–following birds. The Auk 134:247–255. doi: 10.1642/AUK-16-93.1

LaBarbera, K., E. R. A. Cramer, D. Veronese, and I. J. Lovette (2017). Growth benefit to house wren nestlings of having an asynchronously late-hatching nestmate is greater for extra-pair offspring. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71. doi: 10.1007/s00265-017-2283-7

Mason, N. A., K. J. Burns, J. A. Tobias, S. Claramunt, N. Seddon, and E. P. Derryberry (2017a). Song evolution, speciation, and vocal learning in passerine birds. Evolution. doi: 10.1111/evo.13159

Mason, N. A., B. Pasch, K. J. Burns, and E. P. Derryberry (2017b). Integrating museum and media collections to study vocal evolution. In The extended specimen: emerging frontiers in collections-based ornithological research (W. Webster, Editor). Studies in Avian Biology 50:57–74.

Toews, D. P. L., K. E. Delmore, M. M. Osmond, P. D. Taylor, and D. E. Irwin (2017a). Migratory orientation in a narrow avian hybrid zone. PeerJ 5:e3201. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3201

Toews, D. P. L., J. Heavyside, and D. E. Irwin (2017b). Linking the wintering and breeding grounds of warblers along the Pacific Flyway. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3222

Delmore, K. E., D. P. L. Toews, R. R. Germain, G. L. Owens, and D. E. Irwin (2016). The Genetics of Seasonal Migration and Plumage Color. Current Biology 26:2167–2173. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.06.015

Dzielski, S. A., B. M. Van Doren, J. P. Hruska, and J. M. Hite (2016). Reproductive biology of the Sapayoa (Sapayoa aenigma), the “Old World suboscine” of the New World. The Auk:347–363. doi: 10.1642/AUK-16-5.1

Ferretti, V., M. Liljesthröm, A. S. López, I. J. Lovette, and D. W. Winkler (2016). Extra-pair paternity in a population of Chilean Swallows breeding at 54 degrees south: Extra-Pair Paternity in Chilean Swallows. Journal of Field Ornithology 87:155–161. doi: 10.1111/jofo.12144

Johnson, A. S., J. Perz, E. Nol, and N. R. Senner (2016). Dichotomous strategies? The migration of Whimbrels breeding in the eastern Canadian sub-Arctic. Journal of Field Ornithology 87:371–383. doi: 10.1111/jofo.12173

Kaiser, S. A., S. A. Taylor, N. Chen, T. S. Sillett, E. R. Bondra, and M. S. Webster (2016). A comparative assessment of SNP and microsatellite markers for assigning parentage in a socially monogamous bird. Molecular Ecology Resources. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12589

Aguillon, S. M., and R. A. Duckworth (2015). Kin aggression and resource availability influence phenotype-dependent dispersal in a passerine bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69:625–633. doi: 10.1007/s00265-015-1873-5

Duckworth, R. A., and S. M. Aguillon (2015). Eco-evolutionary dynamics: investigating multiple causal pathways linking changes in behavior, population density and natural selection. Journal of Ornithology 156:115–124. doi: 10.1007/s10336-015-1239-9

Khadraoui, M., and D. P. L. Toews (2015). The Influence of Environmental Cues and Anthropogenic Activity on Roost Departure Times in the Northwestern Crow ( Corvus caurinus ). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:739–746. doi: 10.1676/14-168

Baldassarre, D. T., T. A. White, J. Karubian and M. S. Webster (2014). “Genomic and morphological analysis of a semipermeable avian hybrid zone suggests asymmetrical introgression of a sexual signal.” Evolution 68(9): 2644-2657.

Benites, P., L. Campagna and P. L. Tubaro (2014). “Song-based species discrimination in a rapid Neotropical radiation of grassland seedeaters.” Journal of Avian Biology: n/a-n/a.

Dickinson, J. L., E. D. Ferree, C. A. Stern, R. Swift and B. Zuckerberg (2014). “Delayed dispersal in western bluebirds: teasing apart the importance of resources and parents.” Behavioral Ecology 25(4): 843-851.

Ferree, E. D. and J. L. Dickinson (2014). “Male western bluebirds that sire extrapair young are also successful within-pair mates.” Animal Behaviour 90: 11-19.

Kaiser, S. A., T. S. Sillett and M. S. Webster (2014). “Phenotypic plasticity in hormonal and behavioural responses to changes in resource conditions in a migratory songbird.” Animal Behaviour 96(0): 19-29.

Mason, N. A., A. J. Shultz and K. J. Burns (2014). “Elaborate visual and acoustic signals evolve independently in a large, phenotypically diverse radiation of songbirds.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 281(1788).

Willis, P. M., R. E. Symula and I. J. Lovette (2014). “Ecology, song similarity and phylogeny predict natural hybridization in an avian family.” Evolutionary Ecology 28(2): 299-322.

Baldassarre, D. T. and M. S. Webster (2013). “Experimental evidence that extra-pair mating drives asymmetrical introgression of a sexual trait.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 280(1771).

Cramer, E. R. A. (2013). “Physically Challenging Song Traits, Male Quality, and Reproductive Success in House Wrens.” Plos One 8(3).

Cramer, E. R. A., T. Laskemoen, O. Kleven, K. LaBarbera, I. J. Lovette and J. T. Lifjeld (2013). “No evidence that sperm morphology predicts paternity success in wild house wrens.” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67(11): 1845-1853.

Cramer, E. R. A., T. Laskemoen, O. Kleven and J. T. Lifjeld (2013). “Sperm length variation in House Wrens Troglodytes aedon.” Journal of Ornithology 154(1): 129-138.

Dias, R. I., R. H. Macedo, D. Goedert and M. S. Webster (2013). “Cooperative Breeding in the Campo Flicker II: Patterns of Reproduction and Kinship.” Condor 115(4): 855-862.

Rubin, B. E. R., R. M. Anderson, D. Kennedy, T. M. Palmer, M. L. Stanton and I. J. Lovette (2013). “Polygyny in the nest-site limited acacia-ant Crematogaster mimosae.” Insectes Sociaux 60(2): 231-241.

Vortman, Y., L. Arnon, R. Dor, L. Irby and R. J. Safran (2013). “Multiple Sexual Signals and Behavioral Reproductive Isolation in a Diverging Population.” The American Naturalist 182(4): 514-523.

LaBarbera, K., I. Lovette and P. Llambías (2012). “Mating opportunities, paternity, and sexual conflict: paternal care in northern and southern temperate house wrens.” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66(2): 253-260.

Llambías, P. (2012). “How do Southern House Wrens Troglodytes aedon musculus achieve polygyny? An experimental approach.” Journal of Ornithology 153(2): 571-578.

Llambias, P. E., K. LaBarbera and A. A. Astie (2012). “Similar Patterns of Parental Provisioning in a Monogamous and a Polygynous Population of the House Wren.” Condor 114(3): 629-638.

Riehl, C. (2012). “Mating system and reproductive skew in a communally breeding cuckoo: hard-working males do not sire more young.” Animal Behaviour 84(3): 707-714.

Billerman, S. M., G. H. Huber, D. W. Winkler, R. J. Safran and I. J. Lovette (2011). “Population Genetics of a Recent Transcontinental Colonization of South America by Breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica).” Auk 128(3): 506-513.

Cramer, E. R. A., M. L. Hall, S. R. de Kort, I. J. Lovette and S. L. Vehrencamp (2011). “Infrequent Extra-Pair Paternity in the Banded Wren, a Synchronously Breeding Tropical Passerine.” Condor 113(3): 637-645.

Ferree, E. D. and J. L. Dickinson (2011). “Natural extrapair paternity matches receptivity patterns in unguarded females: evidence for importance of female choice.” Animal Behaviour 82(5): 1167-1173.

Ferretti, V., V. Massoni, F. Bulit, D. W. Winkler and I. J. Lovette (2011). “Heterozygosity and fitness benefits of extrapair mate choice in White-rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa).” Behavioral Ecology 22(6): 1178-1186.

Riehl, C. (2011). “Living with strangers: direct benefits favour non-kin cooperation in a communally nesting bird.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 278(1712): 1728-1735.

Townsend, A. K., R. Bowman, J. W. Fitzpatrick, M. Dent and I. J. Lovette (2011). “Genetic monogamy across variable demographic landscapes in cooperatively breeding Florida scrub-jays.” Behavioral Ecology 22(3): 464-470.

Vortman, Y., A. Lotem, R. Dor, I. J. Lovette and R. J. Safran (2011). “The sexual signals of the East-Mediterranean barn swallow: a different swallow tale.” Behavioral Ecology 22(6): 1344-1352.

Ferree, E. D., J. Dickinson, W. Rendell, C. Stern and S. Porter (2010). “Hatching order explains an extrapair chick advantage in western bluebirds.” Behavioral Ecology 21(4): 802-807.

LaBarbera, K., P. E. Llambias, E. R. A. Cramer, T. D. Schaming and I. J. Lovette (2010). “Synchrony does not explain extrapair paternity rate variation in northern or southern house wrens.” Behavioral Ecology 21(4): 773-780.

Riehl, C. (2010). “Egg ejection risk and hatching asynchrony predict egg mass in a communally breeding cuckoo, the Greater Ani (Crotophaga major).” Behavioral Ecology 21(4): 676-683.

Riehl, C. (2010). “A Simple Rule Reduces Costs of Extragroup Parasitism in a Communally Breeding Bird.” Current Biology 20(20): 1830-1833.

Botero, C. A., N. J. Boogert, S. L. Vehrencamp and I. J. Lovette (2009). “Climatic Patterns Predict the Elaboration of Song Displays in Mockingbirds.” Current Biology 19(13): 1151-1155.

Botero, C. A., R. J. Rossman, L. M. Caro, L. M. Stenzler, I. J. Lovette, S. R. de Kort and S. L. Vehrencamp (2009). “Syllable type consistency is related to age, social status and reproductive success in the tropical mockingbird.” Animal Behaviour 77(3): 701-706.

Ferretti, V. and D. W. Winkler (2009). “Polygyny in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor: a result of the cost of searching for an unmated male.” Journal of Avian Biology 40(3): 289-295.

Llambias, P. E., V. Ferretti, D. A. Cardoni and J. E. Maldonado (2009). “Breeding Success and Social Mating System of the Bay-capped Wren-Spinetail (Spartonoica maluroides).” Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(4): 803-807.

Riehl, C. and S. Bogdanowicz (2009). “Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the greater ani Crotophaga major (Aves: Cuculidae).” Mol. Ecol. Res. See

Rubenstein, D. R. and I. J. Lovette (2009). “Reproductive skew and selection on female ornamentation in social species.” Nature 462(7274): 786-U106.

Townsend, A. K., A. B. Clark, K. J. McGowan, E. L. Buckles, A. D. Miller and I. J. Lovette (2009). “Disease-mediated inbreeding depression in a large, open population of cooperative crows.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 276(1664): 2057-2064.

Townsend, A. K., A. B. Clark, K. J. McGowan and I. J. Lovette (2009). “Reproductive partitioning and the assumptions of reproductive skew models in the cooperatively breeding American crow.” Animal Behaviour 77(2): 503-512.

Coulon, A., J. W. Fitzpatrick, R. Bowman, B. M. Stith, C. A. Makarewich, L. M. Stenzler and I. J. Lovette (2008). “Congruent population structure inferred from dispersal behaviour and intensive genetic surveys of the threatened Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens).” Molecular Ecology 17(7): 1685-1701.

Farnsworth, A. and I. J. Lovette (2008). “Phylogenetic and ecological effects on interspecific variation in structurally simple avian vocalizations.” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94(1): 155-173.

Lavoue, S., J. P. Sullivan, M. E. Arnegard and C. D. Hopkins (2008). “Differentiation of morphology, genetics and electric signals in a region of sympatry between sister species of African electric fish (Mormyridae).” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21(4): 1030-1045.

Mahler, B., V. A. Confalonieri, I. J. Lovette and J. C. Reboreda (2008). “Eggshell spotting in brood parasitic shiny cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) is not linked to the female sex chromosome.” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62(7): 1193-1199.

Mahler, B., V. A. Confalonieri, I. J. Lovette and J. C. Reboreda (2007). “Partial host fidelity in nest selection by the shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis), a highly generalist avian brood parasite.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20(5): 1918-1923.

Neuman, C. R., R. J. Safran and I. J. Lovette (2007). “Male tail streamer length does not predict apparent or genetic reproductive success in North American barn swallows Hirundo rustica erythrogaster.” Journal of Avian Biology 38(1): 28-36.

Rubenstein, D. R. and I. J. Lovette (2007). “Temporal environmental variability drives the evolution of cooperative breeding in birds.” Current Biology 17(16): 1414-1419.

Llamblas, P. E., V. Ferretti and J. C. Reboreda (2006). “Egg discrimination and sex-specific pecking behaviour in parasitic cowbirds.” Ethology 112(11): 1128-1135.

Lovette, I. J., D. R. Rubenstein and W. N. Watetu (2006). “Provisioning of fledgling conspecifics by males of the brood-parasitic cuckoos Chrysococcyx klaas and C-caprius.” Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118(1): 99-101.

Farnsworth, A. and I. J. Lovette (2005). “Evolution of nocturnal flight calls in migrating wood-warblers: apparent lack of morphological constraints.” Journal of Avian Biology 36(4): 337-347.

Hosner, P. A. (2005). “Regurgitated mistletoe seeds in th nest of the Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet (Tyrannulus elatus).” Wilson Bulletin 117: 319-321.

Safran, R. J., C. R. Neuman, K. J. McGraw and I. J. Lovette (2005). “Dynamic paternity allocation as a function of male plumage color in barn swallows.” Science 309(5744): 2210-2212.

Lovette, I. J. and R. T. Holmes (1995). “Foraging Behavior of American Redstarts in Breeding and Wintering Habitats: Implications for Relative Food Availability.” Condor 97(3): 782-791.


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